Publication details

Towards Believable Crowds: A Generic Multi-Level Framework for Agent Navigation
Wouter van Toll, Norman Jaklin, Roland Geraerts
In ASCI.OPEN 2015.
- Received the Best Presentation Award of ASCI.OPEN 2015.
- Received the Best Poster Award of ICT.OPEN 2015 (ASCI track, imaging).

Full text (pdf) - Presentation (pptx) - Poster (pdf)

Also published as:
A Generic Multi-Level Framework for Agent Navigation
Wouter van Toll, Norman Jaklin, Roland Geraerts
Poster at 8th International ACM SIGGRAPH Conference on Motion in Games, 2015 (Paris, France / Lisbon, Portugal).

BibTeX citation

    author = {van Toll, W. and Jaklin, N. and Geraerts, R.},
    title = {Towards Believable Crowds: A generic multi-level framework for agent navigation},
    booktitle = {ASCI.OPEN},
    year = {2015}